Contaminated land from historical land uses, fly tipping and industrial/commercial activities can be found all over the UK. Such parcels of land are usually found in built up areas, where land values are high and there is significant demand for new developments such as schools, housing and open spaces.
CDS specialist environmental teams can establish historical and current land uses of parcels of land and the cost implications of the potential contamination which may be encountered. Following the initial assessment CDS can carry out a detailed Phase I Desk Study Assessment, followed by a targeted site investigation to assess the nature of the ground conditions and levels of both soil and groundwater contamination (asbestos, heavy metals, hydrocarbons) as well as the risks posed from land gas contamination. On completion of the investigation works, CDS can then advise on the best course of action concerning the development of the site and the remedial measures which may be required to ensure that the environment, groundworkers and future end users of the site are not at risk from contamination.
Site Investigations are usually carried out in a phased approach, providing a bespoke solution for each site.