Parks and Leisure Planning

CDS is a team of highly qualified specialists with many years’ experience in the design and development of parks and leisure spaces. A key element is the application process and in this respect CDS can support you every step of the way.  In most cases, CDS start with a pre-application meeting or report from the planners and from this CDS can put together a detailed and costed framework for the required studies. This approach ensures the proposed development can be managed in the most time and cost effective way, ensure the planning application is put together as required from the start.  

Listed below is a summary of studies, reports and assessments that are typically required for a new development. You can rest assured that CDS meticulously manage every stage of the planning  process.

Environmental Reports

  • Contamination Risk Assessment
  • Phase I Desk Study Report
  • Flood Risk Assessment
  • SUD’s Policy
  • Tree Audits
  • Ecology and habitat survey Phase 1 and Phase 2

Policy Documents

  • Consultation with County Archaeologist
  • Archaeology Heritage Statement
  • Pre-Determination Survey
  • Geo-physical surveys
  • Highways Consultation
  • Highways Transport Assessment
  • Traffic Counts
  • Planning Policy Statement
  • Sustainability Statement
  • Design and Access Statement
  • Consultation with County Rights of Way
  • Public Rights of Access Statement
  • Public Consultation


  • Landscape Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)
  • Visual Appraisal (VA)
  • General Layout Plan
  • Soft and hard landscape design
  • Building designs
  • Detailed drainage plan
  • Site topographical survey
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